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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/09/2014
Members Present:  Zack Boyajian, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones

Call to Order by Zack Boyajian (acting chair) at 7:02 pm

Minutes of the meetings on September 11, 2014 approved.

•     NH Association of Conservation Commissions
NHACC Annual Meeting - Saturday, November 1, 2014, at Laconia Middle School
Registration Required: See their informational website ( for more information.
Bob Mann will invite the executive director of the NHACC to any convenient future meeting of the CCC.
•     The Shirley Waters Estate is being processed by the designated law group.  A thoughtful gift of money (final sum yet to be determined) for the Conservation purposes has been announced by the executors of the estate.  Bob Mann has drafted a letter to the selectmen regarding said gift when the gift is disbursed.  Receipt must be approved by the Town Selectmen.
•     Property in Chichester has been declared a groundwater management site by the State DES in association with the Z-1 gas station on Route 4 (141 Dover Road).  This commercial site and (3 Main Street – adjacent private residence) will be under watch via regular groundwater monitoring for contaminants.
•     A dry hydrant permit has been issued for installation to the Chichester Fire Department at 178 Bear Hill Road.

a.      Public Outreach:  The Future of Main Street, Chichester Charrette Town Meeting to be held October 17-18, 2014.  
What is a Plan NH COMMUNITY DESIGN CHARRETTE? A Community Design Charrette brings together a team of volunteer members of Plan NH with community leaders, citizens, business owners and others related to a particular project.  All town residents are welcome to participate in the development plans for Main Street.  Pledges are needed to enable the Charrette planning and future development.  Visit the Chichester Historical Society website for more information.

To speak to a live person about your involvement, contact
•     Bernie Reinhardt, Historical Society President, at 736-7074, OR
•     Lucille Noel, Heritage Commission at 798-5709, OR
•     Members of the local Planning Team, Historical Society or Heritage Commission.

b.      Land Conservation: Frank suggested installation of road side signs for conservation land to build public awareness.

c.      Spaulding Town Forest: Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, and Frank Harrison met with the trail master and president of the NH Trail Dawgs snowmobile club to mark the trail amendments in Spaulding Town Forest to avoid wet areas.  The rough trail was unanimously approved and it was agreed that it will take 1 to 2 years to prepare the new trail route.  In the meantime, the existing trail will still be used until the new trail is safely prepared for passage, as deemed by the club trail master.

d.      Carpenter Park: Phase 2 of park development has been approved and must be completed by 2016.  The main focus is construction of a park service building and expansion of playground equipment.  Marianne Hromis has arranged a meeting with a chemical control expert from Epsom to address the Japanese barberry in the park.  The meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2014 at 3 pm at Carpenter Park.  All CCC members are encouraged to attend.

e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Frank will research the possibilities of trail expansion via “natural” materials.  Frank will measure the total area of the phragmites zone to establish a baseline plot area in order to assess the growth rate of this invasive species.  Frank plans to measure the area on Monday, October 13, 2014 at 3 pm.  CCC members should contact Frank if they wish to join the field visit.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.  

Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison

Next Meeting: Thursday, November 13 at 7 pm, Public Invited
